Hi, I'm Vitor de Oliveira 🦀

I'm a Full Stack Software Engineer at Volkswagen AG based in Hannover, Germany.

While my main professional expertise lies in JavaScript and related technologies like TypeScript, React, and Node.js, I'm also a passionate Rust developer, affectionately known as a "Rustacean" 🦀.

Driven by this passion for Rust alongside my extensive experience in web development, this blog aims to empower aspiring developers with practical knowledge and insights, guiding them through the process of building web applications in the Rust programming language.

Through sharing my personal journey and learnings, I hope to pay it forward and create a welcoming space where individuals, like myself, can discover the joys and potential of Rust development.

Blog posts

How host a rustlang server for free in the google cloud plataform?

views: 205

finding one of the cheapest and easiest ways of host your rust server

rust GCP free axum
In the Rust language journey, after learning the basics and being able to create a server, the second thought comes to mind... how do I do it available for the internet, how should I configure my server for the internet and what is the cheapest way to do it, if possible for free?

How use axum + askama + htmx?

views: 881

A quick explanation about how implement, Askama and HTMX

rust axum htmx askama
In a post before I explain why and what is Askama, Axum and HTMX, now we will implement then.

What are Axum + Askama + HTMX and Why use it?

views: 467

A quick explanation about Axum, Askama, and HTMX

rust axum htmx askama opinion
I am a fan of some tools and technologies, I think all my blog posts make this clear to everyone. Today, I will show you guys what and why to use those technologies on Rust.

Why Js devs are migrating from Js to Rust?

views: 375

why I make the choice of migrating from JS after 8 years, to full Rust on my projects?

js rust opinion
Increasingly, we've seen many Rust developers joining the community coming from languages like JS, here we will try to explain why, using my own experience of why I switched to rust